
2023 SEA DOO/BOMBARDIER GTX LTD 300 AUD IBR Personal Watercraft, Personal Watercraft for Sale

Original price was: $19,899.00.Current price is: $18,899.00.

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2023 SEA DOO/BOMBARDIER GTX LTD 300 AUD IBR, COME SEE THE AREAS LARGEST INVENTORY! WITH OVER 750 NEW UNITS AND OVER 400 USED UNITS IN STOCK READY FOR PICKUP TODAY! GOOD CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? WE CAN HELP!!! WE HAVE FINANCING FOR EVERYONE! SIGN AND DRIVE TODAY! STOP IN TODAY AND SEE WHY NOBODY BEATS A CERNICS DEAL!!! CALL TODAY! 814-539-4114 SERVING THE TRI-STATE AREA FOR OVER 50 YEARS! WE ARE YOUR POWERSPORTS EXPERTS!!<br/><div id=productDetailDescription><div class=productDescription><div class=primaryProductDescription><p>With a huge swim platform and tons of usable space on deck, the GTX Limited adds 5-star touch to an already incredible watercraft. Standard Bluetooth display, 100 watts of bumping audio, USB port, cover and more, nothing will stand between you and the perfect day on the water.</p></div><ul class=primaryProductFeatures>;</ul> <div id=itemGroup class=productItemGroup><div class=productItemGroupName>Engine</div><ul class=itemGroupFeatures><li id=100715477 class=productFeature>Engine: 300</li><li id=100715478 class=productFeature>Type: 1630 ACE&trade;- 300</li><li id=100715479 class=productFeature>Engine Horse Power: 300 hp</li><li id=100715480 class=productFeature>Engine intake system: Supercharged with external intercooler</li><li id=100715481 class=productFeature>Cylinders & Displacement: 1630 cc</li><li id=100715482 class=productFeature>Engine cooling: Closed-Loop Cooling System (CLCS)</li><li id=100715483 class=productFeature>Engine reverse system: Electronic iBR&reg;*</li><li id=100715484 class=productFeature>Engine fuel type: 91 octane</li><li id=100715485 class=productFeature>Engine throttle system: iTC&trade; (Intelligent Throttle Control) System</li><li id=100715486 class=productFeature>Engine exhaust system: D-Sea-BeI&trade; System</li></ul><div class=productItemGroupName>Capacity</div><ul class=itemGroupFeatures><li id=100715487 class=productFeature>Rider capacity: 3</li><li id=100715488 class=productFeature>Weight capacity: 600 lb / 272 kg</li><li id=100715489 class=productFeature>Fuel capacity: 18.5 US gal / 70 L</li><li id=100715490 class=productFeature>Storage capacity of the glove box: 0.8 US gal / 2.9 L</li><li id=100715491 class=productFeature>Storage capacity of the front bin: 25.3 US gal / 96 L</li><li id=100715492 class=productFeature>Total Storage Capacity: 26.1 US gal / 98.9 L</li></ul><div class=productItemGroupName>Dimension</div><ul class=itemGroupFeatures><li id=100715493 class=productFeature>Vehicle Length: 135.9 / 345.1 cm</li><li id=100715494 class=productFeature>Vehicle Width: 49.4 / 125.5 cm</li><li id=100715495 class=productFeature>Vehicle


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